China Economic Review (CER)calls for papers for a Special Issue on “Risk ManagementandEfficiency Analysis in China’s Economy”.
Following the 2018 China Meeting of the Econometric Society conference held by the School of Economics and Fanhai International School of Finance in Fudan University,China Economic Review (CER)will publish a Special Issue on “Risk Management and Efficiency Analysis in China’s Economy”.
Guest Editors:
Shiyi Chen, Fudan University
Belton Fleisher, Ohio State University
Jun Zhang, Fudan University
Submission Deadline:
October 31, 2018.
For the last forty years, China has undergone a spectacular economic transformation and has recently succeeded in becoming a middle-income economy. Yet China’s economic development is suffering from relatively high risks (such as, high financial leverage, enlarging income inequality and severe environmental pollution) and low efficiency (low labor productivity and total factor productivity). Both high risks and low efficiency in China’s economy have long been regarded as central challenges standing in the way of China becoming a high-income country. Thus, it is both important and challenging to manage the risks and to improve the efficiency of China’s economy during the development process. In particular, since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, defusing the significant risks and improving low productivity have drawn increasing attention in China.
Although a large literature has studied risks management, efficiency analysis and the interactions between them, these issues are still not yet well understood for China’s economy. Therefore, the main focus of this Special Issue is on the measurement, forecasting and management of economic development risks, efficiency analysis, and the sustainable development of China’s economy. Both theoretical and empirical studies are welcome, the submission of quantitative ones is particularly encouraged. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following topics:
(1) The risk measurement, forecasting and management of China’s economy
(2) Efficiency analysis of China’s economy
(3) The interactions between risk management and efficiency improvement of China’s economic development
(4) Modeling and methodology for risk management and efficiency analysis
(5) Risk management, efficiency analysis and the sustainable development of China’s economy
Submission Details:
All papers should be submitted via the journal’s official website:
Authors should select as Article Type: “VSI: Risk Efficiency & Economy”
All submissions will be subjected to the regularChina Economic Review(CER) refereeing policy and the special issue is expected to be published in May 2019.